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LBC... Building Project -2025


Update: This year we were able to update old cabins with a new foundation, re-side the old alliance church building and use our NEW CHAPEL! Thank you so much for all of your donations and to everyone who helped bring these projects together. 

CURRENT BUILDING PROJECT...  We are currently fundraising for 4 new cabins. More to come soon for fundraising goals etc. 

CAN YOU HELP US?  Each donation is receipted for tax purposes and helps us do camp better.  If you value the work LBC does building into the hearts & lives of youth from our communities, please consider a donation. Donations can be mailed to:  LBC, Box 71, Luseland, SK  S0L 2A0 or e-transferred to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Waterslide for our pool

The list could go on… but you get the idea & we hope you appreciate seeing the upgrades, renos and new buildings built to compliment our camp setting.  

TO THOSE WHO GIVE, thank you and please continue to give of your time, help, prayer and money which builds into the hearts and lives of children and youth in our communities.  We sincerely thank you and give all praise to God!!!